Thursday, April 24, 2014

Reasons Why You Should Consider an Electric Vehicle

There are many reasons why one might choose to drive an all-electric vehicle, from environmental concerns to saving money on gas. Keep reading for the five reasons why you should consider an electric car.

1. Never fill up a gas tank again. Just think about how nice it would be never to have to worry about the price at the pump again! All-electric vehicles liberate you from having to dole out more money as gas prices soar.

2. Keep the environment in mind. The U.S. Department of Energy says that all-electric vehicles don’t emit any pollutants from their tailpipes, so your car won’t contribute to air-quality issues.

3. Maintenance and additional savings. EVs have no costs associated with oil changes, transmission fluids and fuel exhaust system maintenance — because they don’t need these services.

4. Tax incentives. There are also some tax incentives of which electric vehicle drivers can take advantage. The U.S. Department of Energy says electric vehicles purchased in 2010 or later may be eligible for a federal income tax credit.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Easter Egg Decorating Tutorials

If you're anything like me, your Easter egg-decorating skills are not up to par. Fear not! We found a great website with 20 different egg decorating tips and tutorials to guide you along the way. Your Easter eggs will look store-bought in no time!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Going Green - Earth Day 2014

With Earth Day coming up on the 22nd of this month, going green is looking even more appealing. Hybrid vehicle emissions are significantly less than those of a conventional car. This makes them an attractive option when looking to go green! Turn in the keys to your truck and think about reducing your carbon footprint this month.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Spring Cleaning Tips & Tricks

We oftentimes associate the word "spring" with "cleaning." After all, they do go hand in hand. If you're feeling a little overwhelmed, we have some tips to help you get the job done!

Make a list of what needs to be cleaned in each room. Lists will help you to stay organized, especially if you have a huge project on your plate. Walk through each room and write down what needs to get done. Writing a list out will also help to ensure you have all the cleaning materials needed before you get started, saving me tons of time later.

Make a playlist. Listening to music while you clean will help take your mind off of the task at hand. Not many of us associate cleaning with the word "fun," but music does indeed make cleaning a little bit more thrilling.

Get a trash and donate box/bag. As you go through each room, make sure to declutter. Throw away old magazines and papers from the previous year. Put items you no longer use or need, like that book you bought 10 years ago but never read, in the donate box. Once you’re done cleaning your whole house, itemize your donate pile because you may be able to deduct those donations on your taxes.

Work on one room at a time. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you want to clean your entire home all at once. Try writing down all the rooms in your home on a piece of paper and checking each one off as you go. If you can work on a couple rooms each weekend, you’ll get a lot more done and still have free time on the side.

Set an amount of time to work on each room. It's easy to get distracted. Before you know it, you're looking at items you've forgotten or old photographs. Set a timer so you don’t fall into this trap. You can also use the timer to give yourself a little break here and there. Much like a list, it will help you stay on track.

Do you have any spring cleaning tips you'd like to share with us? Leave us a comment down below!